LE Thi Lien
Lê Thị Liên
Visiting Fellow
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 1998 to Jun 1999
Sep 2006 to Jun 2007
University Affiliation (Current)
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
University Affiliation
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
Dr. Le Thi Lien’s recent studies focus on the iconography of Buddhist and Hindu art and the ancient script on archaeological artifacts of the Oc Eo culture in southern Vietnam. She is also interested in cultural exchanges and interaction in the early historical period between Vietnam, Southeast Asia and the civilizations of India and China. Results of her research have been presented at the Conference on Early Indian Influences in Southeast Asia: Reflections on cross-cultural movements (Singapore, Nov. 2007); the International Conference on “Archaeology of Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia: Towards Sustainable Cooperation” (Hanoi, December 2007); the Fourth Worldwide Conference of the SEAA (Beijing, June 2008); and the Second Scientific Conference on the Cat Tien site (Da Lat, December 2008). In 2008, working as a National Officer for Culture in the UNESCO-Hanoi office, Dr. Le focused on the promotion of capacity building in research, and the protection and development of cultural heritages in Vietnam.
Current Research Projects and Interests:
2011- ongoing: Conducting a project on “Study on Oc Eo culture and society – Annalyses of archaeological evidences”, funding by NAFOSTED foundation, Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Vietnam
2009- ongoing: Member of the International Bach Dang research team for the archaeological research on Bach Dang Naval Battle site, Yen Hung district, Quang Ninh province
2009-2011: Took part in the preparation and compilation of Ho Citadel Dossier and Management Plan for inscription to the World Heritage List
Recent Publications
2006. Nghệ thuật Phật giáo và Hindu giáo ở Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long trước thế kỉ X (Buddhist and Hindu Art in the Cuu Long river Delta prior to 10th century A.D.), The Gioi Publishing House, Hanoi, 2006 (In Vietnamese).
2008. Gop phan nghien cuu ve cac hien vat kim loai vang o Cat Tien, Lam Dong [Contribution on the study of the golden metal artiartifacts found from Cat Tien, Lam Dong], paper presented in the Third Conference on Cat Tien site, Da Lat, Lam Dong, December 2008 (Co-authors, in Vietnamese).
2008. Hindu Iconography in Early History of Southern Vietnam, Taida Journal of Art History, Taiwan National University, No. 25, September 2008, pp. 69-96.
2010. Chung tich che tac dieu khac da ở di tich Go Thap [Evidence of stone sculpture manufacturing from Go Thap site], paper presented in the annual conference “New Discoveries in Archaeology of 2010”, organized by the Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi, September 2010 (In Vietnamese).
2010. Nghệ thuật Phật giáo thời Lý –Nhìn từ nhóm tượng Phật đất nung ở chùa Linh Xứng (Thanh Hóa) [Buddhist Art in Ly dynasty – observation from the terracotta images of Buddha found from Linh Xung pagoda (Thanh Hoa province)], paper presented in the Conference on “Art of the Ly Dynasty – Relation of interdisciplinary study”, University of Fine Art, Hanoi, 2010 (In Vietnamese).
2010. Buddhist Heritage: Archaeological Evidence from Oc Eo culture (Southern Vietnam, Proceeding of “The First International Conference on Buddhist Heritage in Southeast Asia”, Phnompenh, 2-3 December 2010.
2011. Nhận diện chiến trường Bạch Đằng năm 1288 từ các kết quả nghiên cứu gần đây [Reconstruction of the 1288 Bach Dang Battlefield from recent research results], “Đô thị Quảng Yên – Truyền thống và định hướng phát triển” [Quang Yen town – Tradition and developing Orientation], Hanoi, The Gioi Publishing House, 23-40.
2011. Hindu belief and the Maritime Network in Southern Vietnam during the Early Common Era, paper presented at the ASS conference, Hawaii, 21 March – 3rd April 2011.
2011. Understanding the Bach Dang battle field from recent research results, Proceedings on the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, November 8-12, 2011, Manila, Philippines, 77- 90.
2011. Hindu Deities in Southern Vietnam – Images Seen on the Tiny Archaeological Artifacts, in Early Indian influences in Southeast Asia:
Reflection on Cross-cultural Movements, Edited by Pierre-Yves Manguin, A. Mani and Geoff Wade, Singapore, Manohar Publishers and distributors, 407-431.
2011. Metal ornaments and traces of their manufacturing in Oc Eo culture (Southern Vietnam), in Bujang Valley and Early Civilizations in Southeast Asia, Edited by Stephan Chia and Barbara Watson Andaya, Department of National Heritage, Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture, Malaysia, Chapter 15, pp. 299-324.
Edited book:
2011. Di sản lịch sử và những hướng tiếp cận mới [Historical Heritage and New Pếpctives], Social Sciences Book Series, Monograph on Archaeology and History, Supported by the Harvard-Yenching Institue, The Gioi Publishinh House.
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